A weekend in Los Gatos

The past few days have been an absolute dream come true. The only thing I wish I would’ve done was take more pictures over the weekend! But I did get to spend a good amount of time on the bike and I loved every second of it.

After spending a week back at home working at the office, taking a few days on the houseboat, and hanging out with my parents, I was ready to get back home and get back to my schedule of getting the business up and running. It’s been relatively difficult to spend the time driving back and forth to Sacramento, but I know that for the time being it’s worth it to make this dream of being a photographer come true. Last week, I finished filing the business paperwork and opened up my business bank account. Just need to get some more jobs to fill that account with some more cash and we’ll be on our way!


As for the more exciting events, on Friday, Derek (Dialed Health) came down to get some prep work done for his #DHVERTCHALLENGE. He’s taking the challenge to Everest his Mountain Bike, aka ride his bike up and down 29,031’ in one day. He’ll be riding nonstop on the Braille trail in the Soquel Demonstration Forest this upcoming Saturday. This isn’t an event, but if you want to come say hi, we’ll be there literally all day long. I’ll have more info up when we release the prep video we shot later this week.

Once we finished filming, I spent the rest of the afternoon dumping files and catching up with some other work before a large group of us got together in downtown Los Gatos for dinner and beers! I may have had a few too many because getting up Saturday morning to edit was a bit of a task. Nonetheless, the edits were coming along smoothly and we picked up Jim to take him out to Pacifica for his first time. The next time I go out there, I’ll definitely be asking for recommendations. I only know of the Mile and the Boyscout trail which is a great little ride, but definitely want to explore more of the trails along the coast out there.

Saturday evening was spent chilling out at home after getting some more editing done. There’s something about these days that I love sprinkling in work around all of the fun. It’s a health balance at the moment and it makes me love what I do even more.

And you can probably guess how I spent my Sunday… Editing first thing in the morning and straight into a ride! I got to meet up with Bjoern and Reid out in UC and get a little lost with them while we were out there. The trails are so much fun, getting to push the limits of the Hightower on the steeps and being in all of the gorgeous redwood trees. The trails out there definitely need some rain as the bomb holes continue to get deeper and deeper. Maybe it’s just my bike telling me that I need to give it a bit more TLC because it sounds like it’s blowing up going through them all.

Molly and I took a walk around downtown in the afternoon and stopped in for a beer at Out of the Barrel as we tried to let the house cool off a bit. It was a perfect way to spend the afternoon before going back to work in the evening and heading to bed after that.

Like I said to start this post, life is living like a dream come true right about now. Loving the work, the riding, and most importantly being close to friends to share these times with. Gonna be a long weekend coming up with the #DHVERTCHALLENGE, but I’ll definitely be making time to squeeze in some fun. Keep an eye out for the preparation post for next weekend!